

2 säsonger2017 - 201945 min / EpisodKomedi
S02Säsong 2
6 avsnitt

Enkelstöten är fritt baserad på succéserien Dubbelstötarna från 1980, och handlar om två kvinnor i 60-årsåldern som ledsnar på den gråa och trista vardagen och bestämmer sig för att råna en bank.

Enkelstöten S02E01
45 minuter
När både Jenny och Cecilia får anledning att hysa personligt agg mot en av Kalmars småpåvar i herrklubben Calmare Fellows börjar en ny kupp ta form. I samma stund som de inleder sin planering får de någons farliga blickar på sig.
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Enkelstöten S02E02
45 minuter
Jenny and Cecilia prepare the burglary. They use Gunnar, drone and Jenny's authority as a teacher to try to enter Patrik's house and steal the artwork. At the same time, Bengt is in a place where he should not be.
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Enkelstöten S02E03
45 minuter
Theft is done, but the installation lacks an important audio track that Jenny and Cecilia now have to fake. At the same time, Jörgen wants to find the people behind the art coup, which means that the police suspect he is involved himself.
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Enkelstöten S02E04
45 minuter
Jenny, Cecilia and Julia try to sell the stolen artwork to the art collector Bert, who made big money on text message lending. Bengt suspects that Jenny is cheating and starts spying on her. Cecilia's anger over her job reaches boiling point.
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Enkelstöten S02E05
45 minuter
A new plan for selling the artwork takes shape. Jenny and Cecilia's friendship are put to the test and Bengt puts Jenny to the answer regarding the polythroat. Jörgen begins to come dangerously close to Jenny and Cecilia, at the same time as he has the police's eyes on him.
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Enkelstöten S02E06
45 minuter
Jenny, Cecilia and Julia will sell the installation back to Patrik but have both the police, Sverker from the MC club and Bengt after him. A wild hunt exclaims that has unprecedented consequences for everyone involved.
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Felix Herngren
Felix Herngren
Emma Bucht
Emma Bucht
Sissela Kyle
Sissela Kyle
Lotta Tejle
Lotta Tejle
Tomas von Brömssen
Tomas von Brömssen
Shima Niavarani
Shima Niavarani
Johan Glans
Johan Glans
