

4 säsonger2015 - 201742 min / EpisodAction, Drama, Äventyr
S04Säsong 4
22 avsnitt

Superkrafter och en orubblig känsla för rättvisan tycks vara ett familjedrag. När Supermans hemplanet Krypton förstördes i en katastrof överlevde inte bara Superman, även hans kusin Kara klarade sig med livet i behåll. Kara söker skydd på jorden och växer upp hos familjen Danver, där hon lär sig att dölja de fantastiska krafter som hon delar med sin berömda kusin. Som vuxen i National City bestämmer Kara sig för att acceptera sina superkrafter och bli den hjälte som hon alltid har varit ämnad att bli.

American Alien
Kara är tillbaka på CatCo och hälsar den nya reportern Nia Nal välkommen. James och Lena bråkar om det hotande åtalet mot James för att han har låtsats vara Guardian, och Alex och Brainy försöker samarbeta på DEO.
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Ett chockerande avslöjande skapar kaos i National City. Alex tar över på DEO, och Supergirl tar itu med att fånga Mercy Graves. På CatCo bestämmer sig Kara för att skriva en artikel om Mercy.
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Man of Steel
Ben Lockwood har inte alltid hatat utomjordingar. Genom en rad incidenter och sin pappas utomjordingsfientliga åsikter förvandlas Ben sakta från en lugn professor till den skurkaktige Agent Liberty som han är i dag.
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När Supergirl behöver hjälp går Alex till Lena och Brainac och ber dem ställa upp. J'onn ifrågasätter samtidigt sitt beslut att sluta på DEO. Men när han stöter på Manchester Black inser han att det finns många sätt att hjälpa andra utomjordingar.
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Parasite Lost
Överste Haley fattar ett överraskande beslut gällande Supergirl. Kara skriver en rad artiklar om utomjordingar i National City i hopp om att människor ska sluta vara så rädda för dem. Dessvärre utsätter artiklarna vissa av utomjordingarna för fara.
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Call to Action
Alla samlas på Thanksgiving, men Kara är nedstämd efter sin tv-sända debatt mot Ben Lockwood om de utomjordingsfientliga strömningarna i National City. James och Lena är oense om hur man bäst bör handskas med Children of Liberty.
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Rather the Fallen Angel
James blir mer indragen i Children of Liberty i och med sina försök att träffa Agent Liberty. Supergirl och Manchester Black följer upp en ledtråd om Agent Libertys vistelseort, men saker och ting tar en mörk vändning. Lena påbörjar sina första försök.
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Bunker Hill
Nia drömmer en stark dröm om Agent Liberty, men hon vägrar se drömmen som profetisk och tränger undan den. Kara märker att nåt besvärar Nia och tar hjälp av Brainy.
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Elseworlds (III)
Supergirl, The Flash, Green Arrow och Superman ger sig in i sina livs största strid. Sista delen i denna säsongs första The Flash, Arrow och Supergirl Crossover avsnitt.
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Suspicious Minds
Colonel Haley is upset after Supergirl responds to a distress call from a Navy ship that turned out to be a deadly alien attack. Colonel Haley reclaims the site as DEO territory and demands that Supergirl step aside. After Supergirl refuses to be told what to do, Haley refocuses her energy on finding out Supergirl's true identity and begins to interrogate all DEO agents, including Alex. Meanwhile, Brainiac-5 tries to persuade Nia to embrace her superpowers but she misinterprets his motives.
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Blood Memory
Kara joins Nia on a trip to Nia's hometown to visit her family during the town's annual Harvest Festival. While home, Nia's mother encourages her daughter to embrace her destiny. Meanwhile, Alex deals with a street drug that is turning people violent and giving them temporary superpowers.
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With his P.I. shingle newly hung outside his office, J'onn welcomes new clients. Trying to take her mind off what happened at the DEO, Kara decides to team up with J'onn on his latest assignment, which unfortunately ends up tying directly into Alex's current investigation that involves the villain Menagerie. Meanwhile, Lena shares some news with James, but his reaction isn't what she expected. Nia invites Brainy to her Valentine's Day party.
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What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?
Manchester Black breaks out of prison with the help of his new team, The Elite, who are set on punishing the anti-alien forces. Supergirl pulls double duty as she tries to apprehend Manchester Black and his team as well as deal with a shocking new development with Ben Lockwood.
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Stand and Deliver
Between Ben Lockwood’s new push to stir up the anti-alien movement and the Elite’s desire to target Lockwood and his minions, Supergirl is concerned about the safety of the American people – both human and alien. When Lockwood organizes a rally, the aliens decide to peacefully protest. Brainiac and J’onn join the alien march while Supergirl and Dreamer patrol to keep everyone safe. Meanwhile, James picks up his camera again to cover the march for CatCo, and Hayley assigns Alex a job that clashes with her beliefs. When The Elite and Ben Lockwood stir up trouble at the rally, Supergirl is forced to take a stand.
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O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Secretly furloughed from prison due to failing health, Lex Luthor visits his sister, Lena, to seek her help finding a cure. Savvy as ever, Lena is suspicious of Lex's motives but when she's faced with a life and death situation, she must decide how she truly feels about her brother. Meanwhile, Supergirl and J'onn face off against Manchester Black. James' sister Kelly comes to town.
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The House of L
In the wake of Lex Luthor's return, the show flashes back to what he's been doing for the last two years and how his secret machinations and plans have affected Supergirl and Lena.
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All About Eve
Supergirl must deal with the destructive aftermath of Lex's nefarious plans. Shocked at what Lex has created, Supergirl faces her biggest challenge yet.
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Crime and Punishment
Kara and Lena head to Stryker's Island to search for clues on how to defeat Lex. At the prison, Kara tries to befriend a nosy prisoner, Steve, who may have insight into what Lex was doing, while Lena studies an array of puzzles Lex left behind in the hopes of discovering his whereabouts. While there, a prison riot breaks out and Kara must find a way to stop the prisoners without revealing her secret identity as Supergirl. Meanwhile, Kelly encourages James to talk to someone for his PTSD, and Alex faces off against Ben Lockwood after he storms the DEO and acquires some powerful weapons to hunt Supergirl.
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American Dreamer
As Kara doggedly works as a reporter to clear Supergirl's name, Dreamer picks up the slack as National City's protector, which leads to a showdown with Ben Lockwood. James takes drastic measures to relieve his PTSD.
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Will The Real Miss Tessmacher Please Stand Up?
Kara and Lena head to Kaznia to hunt down Lex. However, Eve Tessmacher sets a trap for the duo that could ultimately reveal that Kara is Supergirl. Meanwhile, Alex gets a long-awaited phone call, James practices using his powers, and Ben Lockwood takes a dangerous stand inside the DEO.
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Red Dawn
Kara comes face to face with Red Daughter and the two engage in an epic battle. Determined to find a way to extract the Harun-El, Lena turns to an unlikely source for help - Lillian Luthor. Meanwhile, Alex realizes she's missing parts of her memory, and Brainy, Nia and J'onn set out to track down aliens who have been abducted by Lex.
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The Quest for Peace
Lex Luthor descends upon Washington, DC and summons Lena and Lillian Luthor to the White House. Supergirl realizes she has one last chance to stop Lex and turns to the power of the press to help her.
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Jesse Warn
Jesse Warn
Melissa Benoist
Melissa Benoist
Chyler Leigh
Chyler Leigh
Jeremy Jordan
Jeremy Jordan
David Harewood
David Harewood
Katie McGrath
Katie McGrath
