Jumalan karitsa

Jumalan karitsa

19971 t 27 mDraama

The young girl Johannes is left by her mother at a solemn convent school. The school is a strange world to her, and when she feels unable to comply with the demands of faith she faces a difficult decision.


Ohjaaja & Näyttelijät

Cæcilia Holbek Trier
Cæcilia Holbek Trier
Amalie Dollerup
Amalie Dollerup
Kirsten Rolffes
Kirsten Rolffes
Bodil Jørgensen
Bodil Jørgensen
Lisbet Dahl
Lisbet Dahl
Nastja Arcel
Nastja Arcel
John Hahn-Petersen
John Hahn-Petersen
Helle Fagralid
Helle Fagralid