The Flash

The Flash

5 sæsoner2014 - 201842 min / AfsnitAction, Drama, Eventyr
S04Sæson 4
23 afsnit

The Flash er en amerikansk TV-serie, der blev lavet som en spinoff af serien Arrow og er baseret på DC Comics superhelt The Flash.

The Flash - S04 E01 - The Flash Reborn
S04E01 41 minutter
Med Barry fanget i Speed Force har Iris, Kid Flash, Joe og Vibe overtaget beskyttelsen af Central City. Men da en stærkt bevæbnet skurk truer med at ødelægge byen, hvis The Flash ikke viser sig, træffer Cisco en risikabel beslutning om at trække Barry ud af Speed Force. Men den Barry, der kommer ud, er ikke den samme Barry, der gik ind.
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The Flash - S04 E02 - Mixed Signals
S04E02 42 minutter
Barry har hænderne fulde, da han udfordrer en farlig meta (gæstestjerne DOMINIC BURGESS), som kan kontrollere teknologi, mens han samtidig kæmper med problemer i sit eget privatliv: konsekvenserne af at opgive Iris i seks måneder for at afbalancere Speed ​​Force. I mellemtiden presser Gypsy (tilbagevendende gæstestjerne JESSICA CAMACHO) på for en hotdate med Cisco, men hun bliver irriteret, da hans arbejde holder dem adskilt.
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The Flash - S04 E03 - Luck Be a Lady
S04E03 42 minutter
Barry og holdet rammes af en række uheld og indser, at det er forårsaget en af ny meta, Becky (SUGAR-LYN BEARD) med øgenavnet Hazard, som har evnen til at give andre uheld, mens hun selv profiterer af dem. I mellemtiden vender Harry Wells tilbage til Earth-1 for at give Wally en besked fra Jesse (tilbagevendende gæstestjerne VIOLETT BEANE).
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The Flash - S04 E04 - Elongated Journey Into Night
S04E04 41 minutter
Cisco (Carlos Valdes) bliver chokeret, da Gypsy (tilbagevendende gæstestjerne JESSICA CAMACHO) og hendes far Breacher (gæstestjerne DANNY TREJO) dukker op på Earth-1. Breacher får en umiddelbar aversion mod Cisco og beslutter sig for at jage ham. I mellemtiden løber Barry ind i sin gamle nemesis, Ralph Dibny (gæstestjerne HARTLEY SAWYER). Seriestjernen Tom Cavanagh instruerer.
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The Flash - S04 E05 - Girls Night Out
S04E05 41 minutter
Efter at have modtaget en ondskabsfuld trussel fra sin gamle chef, Amunet (gæstestjernen KATEE SACKHOFF), frygter Caitlin, at hendes fortid som Killer Frost måske vender tilbage for at hjemsøge hende. Felicity Smoak (gæstestjerne EMILY BETT RICKARDS) kommer til Central City for at hjælpe pigerne med at fejre Iris´ polterabend, mens Cisco, Joe og fyrene tager Barry ud til en nat i byen.
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The Flash - S04 E06 - When Harry Met Harry...
S04E06 42 minutter
Da samlere af indianske kulturgenstande angribes af en meta ved navn Mina Chayton (gæstestjerne CHELSEA KURTZ), der kan bringe livløse objekter til live, henvender Barry sig til en overraskende allieret om hjælp. Harry er fast besluttet på at afsløre The Thinkers identitet og tager Ciscos til hjælp for at samle den ultimative tænketank: “The Council of Wells” – et hold af de kvikkeste Harrison Wells'ere fra forskellige jorde.
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The Flash - S04 E07 - Therefore I Am
S04E07 42 minutter
Barry kommer til at stå over for DeVoe (gæstestjerne NEIL SANDILANDS), hvis fortid afsløres gennem flashbacks. I Iris gør de sidste forberedelser til brylluppet om en uge.
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The Flash - S04 E08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3
S04E08 42 minutter
Den episke fortælling med Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash og DC´s Legends of Tomorrow fortsætter. Brylluppet mellem Barry Allen og Iris bringer banden sammen, men tingene går galt, da skurke fra Earth-X angriber ceremonien. Alle superheltene står sammen med hjælp fra deres supervenner Citizen Cold (gæstestjerne WENTWORTH MILLER), The Ray (gæstestjerne RUSSELL TOVEY), Felicity Smoak (gæstestjerne EMILY BETT RICKARDS) og Alex Danvers (gæstestjerne CHYLER LEIGH) for at gøre op med deres mest formidable skurke til dato.
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The Flash - Sæson 4
S04E09 41 minutter
Efter forrige sæsons monumentale kamp mod Savitar, tager Barry nu kampen op mod en ny fjende, hvis ondskab ikke ser ud til at have nogen grænser.
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The Flash - S04 E10 - The Trial of The Flash
S04E10 42 minutter
Da Barrys retssag for mordet på Clifford DeVoe begynder, skal Iris og Joe beslutte, hvor langt de er villige til at gå for at holde Barry ude af fængslet.
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The Flash S04E11
42 minutter
When a familiar villain returns to terrorize Central City, Ralph must rise up to defend the innocent while Barry is detained by his trial. Meanwhile, Barry searches for the strength to keep his optimism alive in the face of his new circumstances.
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The Flash S04E12
42 minutter
A meta who can shrink anything he touches battles Team Flash. Cisco and Ralph get caught in his crossfire and are shrunk to miniature versions of themselves. Cecile realizes her pregnancy has caused her to have temporary powers and discovers she can hear other people’s thoughts, which unnerves Joe. Meanwhile, Barry meets someone with a mysterious connection to Henry Allen.
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The Flash S04E13
42 minutter
After hearing that Amunet has struck a deal to buy all of the metahumans in Iron Heights, Barry must decide if he should expose his powers in order to save his cellmates. After a visit from an old friend, Ralph is reminded of his shady past and wonders if he’s really a changed man.
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The Flash S04E14
42 minutter
Barry meets a powerful woman whose abilities could help him in his battle with DeVoe. Meanwhile, after learning that DeVoe is targeting everyone who was on the bus, Ralph decides he doesn't want to be a hero anymore, his only concern is staying alive. Harry offers to help Joe.
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The Flash S04E15
41 minutter
When a nuclear bomb detonates in downtown Central City, Barry, Jesse Quick and Jay Garrick slow down time by entering Flashtime. As everyone in the city is frozen, the three speedsters push themselves to the breaking point to save the city and everyone in it.
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The Flash S04E16
41 minutter
Team Flash confront a new bus meta, Matthew aka Melting Pot. He has the ability to swap people’s DNA, so during a battle with Team Flash, he transfers Barry’s super speed to Iris. Now, with a new threat unleashed on Central City, Barry must act as the team leader while Iris takes on the mantle of superhero speedster in order to defeat their new foe.
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The Flash S04E17
42 minutter
Barry and Ralph take different approaches to finding the remaining bus metas before DeVoe gets to them. However, Ralph's cavalier attitude frustrates Barry and the two clash over what it means to be a hero. Meanwhile, Breacher returns to ask Cisco for a favor.
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The Flash S04E18
42 minutter
When Barry and Team Flash find a way to enter The Thinker’s lair, Ralph considers crossing a dangerous line to defeat DeVoe. Meanwhile, Joe is concerned by Harry’s recent behavior.
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The Flash S04E19
42 minutter
When Barry needs help transporting a dangerous meta, he calls on a new friend for help - Leo Snart AKA Citizen Cold. Meanwhile, Cisco becomes suspicious of Harry.
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The Flash S04E20
42 minutter
Barry and Team Flash team up with Gypsy to try to thwart Thinker's plan. Meanwhile, Cisco and Gypsy have a heart to heart talk about their relationship.
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The Flash S04E21
42 minutter
With DeVoe's Enlightenment device nearly complete, in order to disable it The Flash and his team must put their faith in an unlikely ally – Amunet Black. Meanwhile, Harry hits an all-time low when the "Council of Wells" kicks him out but then Cisco introduces him to the "Council of Harrisons."
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The Flash S04E22
41 minutter
When DeVoe assaults an A.R.G.U.S. facility to complete his Enlightenment Machine, Barry realizes the only way he can stop him is if he allows Cisco and Caitlin to accompany him into the facility. Still shaken by Ralph’s death, Barry isn’t sure he wants to risk any more of his friends’ lives and considers taking on DeVoe solo.
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The Flash S04E23
42 minutter
Team Flash gets help from a surprising ally in their battle against DeVoe.
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Ralph Hemecker
Ralph Hemecker
Jesse Warn
Jesse Warn
Grant Gustin
Grant Gustin
Danielle Panabaker
Danielle Panabaker
Tom Cavanagh
Tom Cavanagh
Rick Cosnett
Rick Cosnett
